A message to internet by Anonymous
Anonymous has a grave announcement to make to all users of the World Wide Web.
The Internet you have come to take for granted has once again come under attack.
Several interest groups have been successfully lobbying to consolidate internet
censorship within the United States. They are rallying for the right to remove any
websites they deem "inappropriate" and, ultimately, for the ability to remove any
content that disagrees with their profit margins, personal whims, or other agendas.
This new initiative is called the PROTECT IP Act:
This bill would allow the US Government to force ISPs and search engines to
censor websites they do not like under the guise of "copyright protection".
Instead of reducing piracy, this bill endangers the free flow of information.
Through domain seizures, ISP blockades, search engine censorship, and the
restriction of funding to websites accused of infringement, this bill promises to
take Internet censorship to the next level. Furthermore, it violates the citizens
' rights to due process, to free speech, to free expression and to legal
representation at their hearing.
The Internet is a place where anyone and everyone can come together freely
to share information and opinions. The freedom the Internet provides has
served as a global aid for tens of millions of people in places like Egypt, Tunisia
and Iran, to name a few. All of this has been accomplished largely without
interference from corporations, governments, or any other global institutions until now.
We must unite and stand up to those who wish to censor the Internet.
We must not allow them the freedom to moderate information and decide what we are
"permitted" to view.
We must protect what is rightfully ours.
We must protect the rights of the Internet.
You Are Anonymous
You are legion
You can not forgive this.
You can not forget this.
Expect eRevolution.
Watch the video for the more information
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