A Motorcycle policemen reenact a famous scene from “Ben Hur” in the middle of Mitropoleos street (Monastiraki, Athens). They throw stun grenades to passers-by, tourists and peaceful protesters. Unprovoked. Stun grenades can cause third degree burns, sometimes even deafness or blindness. No wonder the people in Mitropoleos get upset and swear at the policemen. Among other things, they call them fascists.
The incident happened during an orgy of state violence, right after the new mid-term 'bailout' package of austerity measures passed in the Parliament on Wednesday 29th of June 2011. A blind MP was immediately deleted from the governing party for voting against. Outside, Syntagma square had become a smoking battlefield. Of course, nobody dared to open the windows and let the clouds of teargas enter the House.
By the way, Syntagma means constitution. A democratic one preferably.
Bailouts cannot be violently imposed on people, unless they are really sellouts instead. In which case, they can probably afford spending all that money on chemical warfare and mercenary armies. The rest of the billions get recycled back into the international banking system, usually in the form of ridiculous interest rates, gambling swaps and bonds that nobody wants to buy anymore. Everybody can profit from that, as long as he is stinking rich and well connected. Same goes for bribes. For crying out loud, Goldman Sachs was in this one right from the start, and that's no conspiracy theory. Just Google it.
Time for another fascinating video:
This is not the Europe we had envisioned. It is the Europe our ancestors spent their lives fighting against. It is the Europe ruled by dynasties of greedy, corrupt and bloodthirsty kings, emperors, sultans and dictators of all kinds. Lately, by prime ministers also.
Follow # greekrevolution and # syntagma on Twitter if you are interested to discover more. HAVE a Look at pictures in The www.demotix.com and Other pages of Citizens Journalism. Check the numbers. Look at all the evidence carefully and judge for yourselves. Share it with others. Soon they will be accusing YOU also for their economic failures. It's good to be prepared for what is to follow.
The Greek disaster is not a local issue anymore. It never was. And it's not an issue we can simply resolve within the limits of the markets. It's a crisis that concerns our constitutional liberties; what makes a country sovereign and its people free. As we speak, we are slowly but steadily being enslaved. So, what are WE going to do about it before it's too late?
PS No, I'm afraid your TV won't broadcast any of that stuff. They'll just tell you the Greeks throw stones because they don't want to work for their money. Well, they can't actually, since about a million of them is unemployed. And guess which way thousands of them are already heading for ...
And a bonus track - simply amazing.
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