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Friday, June 3, 2011

Anonymous Attacks Syrian Embassy Web Sites

Not to be outdone by Sony hackers LulzSec, Anonymous on Friday announced plans to attack Syrian embassies Website around the world in response to the country's Internet takedown.
"It has come to our attention that the tyrant and human rights abuser Syrian president Bashar Assad the so called president or dictator of Syria has shut down the Internet within Syria, thus further isolating and terrorizing the freedom loving people of Syria who have already suffered so much from this evil regime," Anonymous said in a note posted on "So today we will begin a program of removing from the Internet the Web sites of the Syrian Embassies abroad."
At approximately 6:35am local time today, about two-thirds of all Syrian networks went down, according to Renesys, a service that monitors Internet connectivity. Like similar outages in Egypt and Libya, the move is likely in response to the civil unrest that has plagued the country for about three months. "Over the course of roughly half an hour, the routes to 40 of 59 networks were withdrawn from the global routing table," Renesys said.
Anonymous, the clandestine group that operates "Operation Payback" and reportedly includes members of the "/b/" bulletin board, has therefore pledged to organize distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on Syrian embassies. They will begin at 9:30am SYT with a focus on Web sites for the embassies in France and Saudi Arabia.
According to Renesys, Internet connections belonging to the Syrian government are still live. The Web site for the country's Oil Ministry is online, as is Syrian Telecom's official page, but the Ministry of Education, the Damascus city government page, and the Syrian Customs Web site are all down.
"So long as Assad remains in power and the criminal and evil regime retains it's ability to torture, kill, and imprison their own people; Anonymouis will continue this campaign of removing the Syrian Embassy web sites from the Internet and interfereing with the communications channels via Black Fax and E-Mail Bomb campaigns. The butchers of Syria can damn well EXPECT US!" Anonymous said in its notice.
Another hacker group has been making headlines today. LulzSec also took to Pastebin, claiming to have hacked into the database and accessed account information for 1 million people.


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